In May 2013, at the Maxillofacial and Orthodontic Center in Panama City, Panama, we ran tests for a period of 18 months to determine the effects of BioPhoton-X™ treated water regarding the level of pain and inflammation in maxillofacial surgery patients.

The experimental test was divided into two groups; one of which were maxillofacial surgery patients treated with distilled, sterile and BioPhoton-X™ water in oral cavity rinsing, while the second group received similar treatment, without BioPhoton-X™. The patients who would be exposed to BioPhoton-X™ water were selected at random.

To obtain data and results, a poll was given to the patients where they would register the amount of pain on a scale from 1 to 10, while inflammation was registered on a scale from 1 to 4 where: 1 is null, with absence of inflammation, 2 is mild, with intraoral inflammation in the intervention area, 3 is moderate, with extraoral inflammation in the intervention area, and 4 is intense, with extraoral inflammation which extends further than the intervention area. The data was collected and registered at 24h, 42h, and 72h.

“We should train our personnel, since the beneficial effects of the applied BioPhoton-X™ technology in oral surgery patients have been demonstrated.”

– Main Doctor at Kuspid Dental and Maxillofacial Center


Test Results

The total amount of test subjects since 2011 were 98, out of which 12 correspond to 2011, 44 in 2012, and 42 in 2013.

The first analysis of patients shows that while patients who were only applied sterile water, without BioPhoton-X™ treatment, maintained a level 4 pain during the first 72 hours, with verbal manifestation of moderate intensity. With regards to inflammation, intense inflammation was recorded for the first 24 hours, with the inflammation receding to mild after 72 hours post-op. With respect to the patients that were treated with BioPhoton-X™, there was a significant decrease in pain, with verbal manifestations from mild to absent in 72 hours. With regards to inflammation, a significant decrease from moderate to null in the same timeframe.

During the study, we had the opportunity to expose a patient to BioPhoton-X™, who was previously diagnosed with Chronic Allergic Rhinitis, with a medical history of presenting symptoms such as nasal congestion, otitis, and Laryngitis. He accepted to receive separate treatment with BioPhoton-X™ technology before going to sleep, placing Photonic Screens underneath his pillow. The effect of the technology was completely visible after four days, with all his symptoms disappearing.

After the analysis of raw data by the surgeon in charge of testing, patients which were exposed to water treated by BioPhoton-X™ water had a significant and progressive reduction of both pain and inflammation. During the 18-month study, all patients that were exposed to the BioPhoton-X™ technology presented similar results, proving efficiency in anti-inflammatory and pain reduction, as well as a successful anecdotic test in Chronic Allergic Rhinitis treatment.

Reduction in Post-Operation Inflammation from Intense to Mild and Pain from Moderate to Mild
Faster Pain and Inflammation Improvements
Scalable Application Only Requiring Natural or Artificial Light